building balanced meals

A balanced meal should contain each of the three macronutrients; carbohydrates, protein and fat. Selecting foods from each of these categories ensures that a wide variety of nutrients are being consumed, as well as assisting their digestion and absorption. Once you have the foundations of a balanced meal together, add herbs and/or spices to begin introducing different flavours to your baby. The consistency of purees can be modified by adding more or less thinning liquid such as breastmilk, formula, bone broth, stock, water or coconut milk/cream.


Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, died or canned beans + legumes/pulses


Meat, poultry, seafood, organ meats, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, nuts, quinoa, amaranth + legumes


Animal fats, yolk, cold-pressed plant fats (olive, coconut, avocado, nut + seed oils)


examples of balanced baby Purees

Apple, berry, soaked chia + coconut kefir

Banana, quinoa, cinnamon, hemp seed + oat milk

Banana, berry, soaked oats, flax seed + coconut milk

Brothy lamb, chickpea + coriander

Brothy beef, leek, cauliflower + thyme with ghee

Butter bean, roast pumpkin, garlic + sage

Chicken, pumpkin, broccoli + herbed green beans with olive oil

Curried red lentil, carrot + coconut cream

Roasted sweet potato, cumin + liver with olive oil

Sardine, pea + lemony avocado



Good quality and minimally processed whole foods are key.


Find easy to digest and nourishing first foods for babies.


Please Note

This website is designed to provide information to support you, not medical or professional health advice. Always consult your doctor or paediatric health care provider for questions about your child’s nutritional needs and issues related to feeding.

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