starting solids


A collection of informative articles, interviews, guides and resources to support you as you enter your baby’s first year of food. Your baby’s first year of food does not have to be stressful and I am here to help you. If there is a particular topic you would like covered, please don’t hesitate to send me a request at



is your baby ready to start solids?

The World Health Organisation recommends that infants are exclusively breastfed, or formula fed, until 6 months of age. Signs your baby is ready to eat include…


How to introduce first foods to your baby

Learning how to eat solid foods is a skill that takes time to master, so be patient with your baby. There are a number of practical tips to help your baby develop this skill, including…


spoon feeding vs baby-led weaning (blw)

Common methods of feeding usually fall into three categories; spoon feeding purees, soft/semi solid finger foods for baby-led weaning, or a combination of the two. Each method have their pros and cons, and there is no wrong…


nutrient dense first foods for babies

This list of ingredients are just some examples of nutritious foods that are readily available, simple to prepare and can be easily offered for both spoon feeding and as finger foods…


foods you should avoid feeding to your baby

Most foods can be offered to babies if they are prepared appropriately, however some foods are unsuitable due to the high salt, sugar or additive content, and/or choking…

Please Note

This website is designed to provide information to support you, not medical or professional health advice. Always consult your doctor or paediatric health care provider for questions about your child’s nutritional needs and issues related to feeding.


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